
2021 Canada Summer Games Sports Selected


2021 Canada Summer Games Sports Selected


2021 Canada Summer Games Sports Selected


2021 Canada Summer Games Sports Selected

The Canada Games Council (CGC) is pleased to announce the final sports and disciplines selected for the 2021 Canada Summer Games that will be hosted in Newfoundland and Labrador.

The Canada Games Council’s Sport Committee adhered to a clear and objective sport selection process in which it analyzed all sports and disciplines that wished to be included in the 2021 Canada Summer Games. The total number of sports/disciplines selected for the Games are based on a particpant quota that each Games must follow.

“The Canada Games are an integral component to the development of Canadian sport and have evolved to the point where more sports vie for inclusion than any specific Games could possibly include,” says Tom Quinn, Chairman of the Canada Games Council.

The Canada Games Council ran a core sport selection process and an assessment sport selection process in order to determine the sport program for the 2021 Canada Summer Games.

The core sport selection process is designed to identify the sports that generally meet all of the goals of the Canada Games sport program. Core sports provide the Canada Games and the Provincial/Territorial Governments with a stable sport program. The core sport program accounts for up to 70% of the overall Games quota.

The assessment sport selection process is designed to identify sports that generally meet most of the goals of the Canada Games sport program, but that lack alignment in a minority of areas that don’t allow it to achieve core status. The assessment process provides sports not previously on the Canada Games sport program the opportunity to be selected for the program through an objective evaluation. The assessment sport selection process is used to select the remaining 30% of the Games quota.

The sports selected for the 2021 Canada Summer Games program are:

-Athletics (including events for athletes with a disability and events for Special Olympians)    
-Beach Volleyball - Female
-Beach Volleyball - Male
-Basketball - Female
-Basketball - Male
-Baseball - Male
-Indoor Volleyball - Female
-Indoor Volleyball - Male
-Mountain Bike
-Road Cycling
-Sailing (including events for athletes with a disability)
-Soccer - Female
-Soccer - Male
-Softball - Female
-Softball - Male
-Swimming (including events for athletes with a disability and events for Special Olympians)

-Rugby 7s - Female
-Rugby 7s - Male

The Sport Committee also named two sports for 2021 bid committee selection: Rugby 7s Female and Rugby 7s Male. The bid committee that wins the right to host the 2021 Canada Summer Games will indicate to the Council its sport of choice from the short-list.

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